Tag Archives: community manager

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Tiedättekö mikä iski tänään tajuntaan kuin nyrkki Asikaisen naamaan? Luin jutun Community Managerin pestistä, kuten niin monesti aikaisemminkin olen lukenut, ja totesin taas, että vuodet yhteiskuntatieteellisessä opiskellen ihmistieteitä (sosiaalityötä, sosiaalipsykologiaa, sosiaalipolitiikkaa, sosiologiaa ja psykologiaa) eivät sittenkään ole hukkaan heitettyä aikaa. En ole sitä oikeasti aiemmin tosissani epäillytkään, mutta miettinyt kyllä muutamaan kertaan, mitähän ihmettä olen tekemässä.

Osittain tietämättäni tein elämäni parhaan päätöksen, kun päädyin opiskelemaan ihmisalaa! En minä silloin tiennyt, millainen vallankumous näiden uusien yhteisöllisten ja vuorovaikutusta korostavien medioiden ympärille rakentuu. Kaupallinen tutkinto, työ- ja organisaatiopsykologian erikoistumispaketti sekä viestinnän opinnot täydentävät mukavasti tuota toista puolta. Vasta nyt alan hiljalleen ymmärtää, millaista pääomaa olen kerännyt itselleni aikoinani kuin puolivahingossa.

Minullahan todella on kuumin mahdollinen koulutustausta, vaikka aikoinaan opiskelijatoverit kauppakorkeakoulussa v*ttuilivat päin naamaa aiemmasta valinnastani. Kuulin kerrat jos toisetkin tätä hipiksi ja kommariksi nimittyä. Melko suppeaa porukkaa siis mahtui sekaan tuohonkin opinahjoon. Ja eipä ne markkinoinnin luennoillalaan kovin korkealle nostaneet ihmistieteiden arvoa aivan noin yleisestikään. Mutta tämä taisi johtua siitä, etteivät rakkaat opettajat itsekään tietäneet, mitä tässä bisnesmaailmassa oli tapahtumassa. Ja vaikka olisivatkin tienneet, he ovat itse saaneet koulutuksensa kaudella kirves ja varsi, joten myös ajattelu saattaa olla sen mukaista.

Kun tähän koulutukseen yhdistää parin vuoden ”asustelun” verkossa sekä palautuksen maan pinnalle aidon ihmisistä välittämisen pariin (sen sijaan, että välittäisi esimerkiksi asioista ja rahasta) voin olla enemmän kuin tyytyväinen! Mutta kerrassaan hieno huomata, että tuo tutkinto, jonka suorittamista jossain vaiheessa suuresti epäilin, alkaa näyttää kyntensä! Olen tästä aivan mielettömän onnellinen ja omalla tavallani todella helpottunut. Palaset alkaa hiljalleen loksahdella kohdille. Kun vielä saisi tuon yhden palasen, eli ylimmän niskanikaman, pysymään suorassa.

Tässä muutama pointti eräästä blogista liittyen työtehtävään, johon voisin ehkä omaa tehtäväkenttääni jossain vaiheessa suunnata. Virallinen nimike taitaa tosiaan olla Community Manager eli Yhteisöjohtaja, mutta rakkaalla lapsella on monta nimeä.

Over the past 2 years, the relatively close knit blog universe has exploded in a massive confluence of social expression and corporate reaction. A cottage industry of owner-operators, trawling social media on behalf of themselves and others, has cropped up in lofts, dorms, agencies and iPhones.

These are the new social media Community Managers and corporate is clearly looking. This post offers a granular look at crucial skills, essential duties and a job description for the CM role.

“That cottage industry will become as important as PR, Marketing, Customer Service, Sales.”
-Lee Odden-

Often the key to integrating social media into the marketing mix is about not hiring immediately, but rather sharing CM duties cross departments. That said, there comes a time in many a’ company’s evolution that bringing in a full time hands-on Community Manager makes sense. What type of person should you hire? I put that questions to our friend Lisa Barone, noted SEM industry blogger/Social Media Addict/Evangelist.

She says, “Hire someone who is addicted to the conversation and will be around on the weekends to approve comments, continue discussions and put out fires when needed. 9 to 5’ers need not apply. Make sure they have a thick skin. When you’re managing a community, attacks will come and someone will always have a problem with what you’re doing.

They need to know when to step up, when to say nothing and how to steer conversations down constructive paths. Above all, make sure it’s someone you trust with your brand. They’re going to be your eyes and ears into what’s happening. “Don’t hire someone with a rock star complex.
-Lisa Barone-

Now I’ll put my human resources hat on and offer up our job description for Community Manager. Please feel free to use any part of it and adapt as you see fit. If any readers would like to contribute ideas, you’re invited to do so in the comments thread.

Community Manager Job Description

Do you tweet and use Facebook every day, all day? Is building social community so ingrained you just can’t stop? Do you take pride in customer service excellence and fancy yourself an entrepreneur? Do you understand the difference between a “brochure website,” a “publication” and why feeds are important?

We seek a highly a motivated individual with experience and fanatical passion for blogging, micro-blogging and community participation leadership. This position is full time salaried with benefits, including attending mainstream and niche’ conferences.

We are a [your company description here] in [city, state] with an national reputation for [your company mission here] mission. We promote our website by integrated organic optimization (SEO), social media optimization (SMO) and paid placement (PPC). Our Reputation Monitoring & Management objectives are comprehensive.

The successful candidate will join our internal marketing team at the managerial level, and interact with an external Search Marketing agency. Our Community Manager/Blogger will oversee and contribute recurrent content to holistically support our customers and corporate objectives.

Qualifications and Experience

  • Has a bachelor’s or associates degree in music, advertising, marketing, graphics, web development, communications, English, IT, music, theater, anthropology, history or related.
  • Excels at research, possesses excellent writing skills and the ability to crank editorial and technical writing output without brooding.
  • Has work experience or training in advertising, PR, online marketing or similar field
  • Proficient with Microsoft Office products.
  • Dedicated to blogging and use of Facebook
  • Understands the power of feed marketing
  • Demonstrated creativity and documented immersion in social media (really send the links)
  • Demonstrated ability to map out a marketing strategy and then drive that strategy proven by testing and metrics
  • Experience sourcing and managing content development and publishing
  • Ability to jump from the creative side of marketing to analytical side, able to demonstrate why their ideas are analytically sound
  • Management experience or obviously ready for promotion to management
  • Discretion to identify threats and opportunities in user generated content
  • Understands social media universe including YouTube, StumbleUpon, Delicious, Digg, Reddit, Flickr, Forums, Twitter, Wikis, blogs, etc…We’re looking for a social media addict who maintains a personal mix of participatory expertise from among these channels.
  • Possesses functional knowledge or some experience with HTML/CSS
  • Knowledge of search engine optimization-think including basic keyword research. We name and tag our posts based on research..
  • Has excellent verbal and written communication skills and an ability to work individually on a project or in a team environment
  • Is eager to meet and exceed objectives and take on more responsibility
  • Brings to the position outstanding organizational skills and the ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously while meeting deadlines
  • Ability to communicate results to management and in a fast paced environment

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

  • Interact with our customers to align unselfish service of their needs, with our corporate objectives
  • Be the eyes and ears of our brand as if your own reputation depended on it
  • Build and maintain our content distribution network by way of social media channels
  • Minute by minute participation in conversations that surround our content and brand, answer comments, be a mediator.”
  • Identify threats and opportunities in user generated content surrounding our brand, report to appropriate parties.
  • Interact with legal, search, client and cross corporate agencies.
  • Create content for feeds and snippets in various social media sites.
  • Schedule and organize multiple departments which generate content on a daily basis
  • Conduct keyword research including cataloging and indexing target keyword phrases
  • Participate in social media, as yourself and white hat avatars, on our behalf
  • Optimizing tags, on our feeds, sharing sites like YouTube/Flickr and search engines through copywriting, creative & keyword optimization & buzz pocket mining.
  • Tag and title content, with an understanding of how the word’s chosen impact natural search traffic and rankings via recurrent optimized content
  • Manage and track link building campaigns, coordinated with all facets of our business.
  • Create and update daily, weekly and monthly reports
  • Analyze campaigns and translate anecdotal or qualitative data into recommendations and plans for revising the social media campaigns.

Teknisessa puolessa on eniten tekemistä, mutta kaiken oppii. Olen aivan varma, että ympäriltä kyllä löytyy ihmisiä, jotka voivat sitten paikata omalla osaamisellaan tätä aukkoa teknisessa yleissivistyksessä.